
Conference Scouting Ministries Coordinators Retreat

     The Conference Scouting Coordinators met in Nashville, Tennessee from October 18th thru 20th at the Center for Scouting Ministries to set priorities for the coming year.  The retreat was the first meeting of the group since the historic General Conference in Charlotte this past Spring.      At the top of the list was answering the question: What does ministry look like going forward? The priority is to focus on radical hospitality for local congregations in relationship with new Cub Scout packs and an emphasis on promoting the Program of Religious Activities for Youth (P.R.A.Y.). Ministry descriptions for the Conference, District, and Local Scouting Coordinators were fine tuned to bring them into compliance with the new Affiliation and Facilities Use Agreements. Stephen Scheid, the Director of the Center for Scouting Ministry, unveiled the new Camp is my Parish website; currently in the development phase.      Radical Hospitality is...
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